Tips & Tricks

Can Music Be a Lifestyle?

Music is more than just a form of entertainment — it’s a crucial part of our culture and serves as a backdrop for many of life’s most important moments. It’s a way we express ourselves and relate to the world around us. Playing and listening to music can even benefit your health and well-being.

Music has the power to be an entire lifestyle. Music as a lifestyle means incorporating the joy of music into many different activities and aspects of your life. Here’s how to build a music-focused lifestyle and some of the unique benefits of this approach.

What does “music as a lifestyle” mean?

Music as a lifestyle means that you actively seek out and include music in many different parts of your life. 

You don’t need to be a professional musician to incorporate music into your everyday life. Everyone can benefit from listening to their favorite music regularly or even learning to play an instrument for fun. There’s no right or wrong way to engage with music — it’s all about what makes you happy and works with your lifestyle.

There are many facets of life where you can engage with music. On a personal level, listening to and engaging with music can bring joy to your daily life and even be beneficial for your mental health. 

Many people also enjoy engaging with music in social and cultural settings. For example, you might enjoy attending concerts with friends or sharing traditional music from your country or ethnic group.

Music can even play a role in your professional life. The most common example of this is becoming a professional musician or music teacher, but many other jobs incorporate music as well. For example, you could work in music production, music therapy, or music marketing, just to name a few options.

The benefits of music as a part of your lifestyle

Everyone can benefit from incorporating music into their lifestyle in some form. Here’s why regularly listening to and playing music can be so helpful.

Improved well-being

Music affects both our physical and mental health in positive ways. Listening to music can reduce our brain’s production of the stress hormone cortisol. It can also increase the production of positive hormones like dopamine and oxytocin. 

As a result, music is a very powerful tool for managing stress and improving mental wellness. It can also affect our emotions and help us express ourselves more fully.

In addition, music has a variety of physical benefits. For example, it can reduce blood pressure, lower your heart rate, and even help with pain relief. These effects can improve your health in the long term and help you manage chronic health conditions. For example, music may help prevent cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

Better social connections

Music can help us feel more connected to the people around us. We’ve already mentioned that listening to music can produce oxytocin, which is a hormone associated with love and social bonding. When we listen to music that we love, it naturally creates a feeling of belonging and understanding.

There are so many ways to enjoy music in a social setting. If you play a musical instrument or sing, joining community music groups or bands is an incredible way to make friends. For those who love listening to music, going to concerts is an exciting community experience and an opportunity to meet like-minded people.

If you can’t attend concerts or play music in person, you can get the same benefits from joining online music groups. Through these communities, you can meet people from around the world who enjoy the same types of music that you do.

More cultural awareness

Music is an amazing way to expand your cultural horizons and learn more about people who are different from you. Many cultures have their own forms of music that play an important role in their traditions and customs.

Listening to music from other cultures can help you be more empathetic and globally aware. Try exploring different genres of music outside of what you typically listen to. You might be surprised by what resonates with you.

Personal satisfaction

One of the biggest benefits of music is that it’s just plain fun. The right music can set the tone for any occasion, whether it’s a high-energy party, a challenging workout, or relaxing before bed. It’s also a form of self-expression. The music we listen to often reflects our personality and values.

Playing music can also be deeply satisfying. There’s something particularly rewarding about learning a new skill and working toward your goals. You can even share what you’ve learned with others through performances and teaching.

How to integrate music into your lifestyle

Technology has made it easier than ever to integrate music into your daily life. Here are some of the best ways to use music to enhance your lifestyle and well-being.

Begin the day with music

Music is the perfect complement to any morning routine. Start your day with a playlist of upbeat music to energize you and set the tone for the day ahead.

To curate your morning playlist, look for songs with a positive, uplifting message. This will help you start the day on a happy note. Opt for genres and artists you know and love — the familiarity of a favorite song can make a tough morning a little bit easier. 

Upbeat and high-energy songs can help get you out of bed. However, you’ll want to stay away from songs that are too loud or overwhelming for early mornings.

Find ways to add music to daily activities

Listening to music can make mundane daily tasks more exciting and enjoyable. Associating music with certain activities can help increase your motivation and improve your overall quality of life. 

For example, many people enjoy listening to music to liven up their daily commute. This is the perfect time of day to explore new music or just take your mind off of the workday.

Listening to music can also be very helpful when exercising. Music and movement are naturally connected — which is why we’re inclined to dance when listening to music we like. 

On top of that, music can make chores like cooking and cleaning a little more fun and exciting. Consider investing in a good sound system so everyone in your home can enjoy the music together.

Share music with others

Another great way to emphasize music in your lifestyle is to share that music with others. Enjoying music with friends and family will strengthen your bonds, and you can also use music to make new friends. 

In addition to having in-person listening sessions together, you can connect by sharing playlists or posting your favorite songs on social media. Attending concerts with a group is also a fun and engaging social activity.

Engage with music creatively

In addition to listening to music, you can also engage with music creatively. Everyone can benefit from flexing their creative muscles and expressing themselves, regardless of experience or talent level. There are many ways to do this, so you can choose the option that interests you.

For example, you can learn how to sing or play an instrument and make music yourself — as a hobby or even professionally. Technology has made it easier than ever to pick up a new musical skill. Trala provides high-quality music education for all ages and skill levels, allowing you to learn the violin from anywhere!

If you’re a more advanced musician, you can also get creative by writing your own songs. Writing songs is a way to express yourself and create music that reflects your life experiences. If you don’t want to play or write music yourself, you can also engage with music creatively by taking dance classes. Through dance, you’ll connect music to movement.

Common barriers you may notice (and how to overcome them)

Incorporating music into your daily life can come with some challenges, particularly if you’re not used to a music-focused lifestyle. Here are some of the barriers to music as a lifestyle and ways to overcome them.

Time constraints

There are only so many hours in the day, and when you have a busy schedule, you might run out of time to focus on music. If this is the case for you, try to fit music into the schedule you already have. 

This could be as simple as listening to a playlist on your way to work every day. It can also be helpful to put dedicated music time on your schedule. Even if it’s just for 20 minutes, focusing entirely on music can be beneficial.

Lack of resources

Unfortunately, engaging with music isn’t always accessible. Digital music libraries like Spotify require a monthly subscription, and attending concerts can be very expensive. A lack of resources can be even more challenging if you want to learn to play music. Instruments, equipment, and lessons all come with extra costs.

Look for free or affordable programs designed to make music more accessible. For example, Trala offers affordably priced violin lessons online with flexible scheduling options. You can also rent instruments and equipment to minimize costs.

To listen to music more affordably, look for resources through your local library. Many libraries have streaming services or CD collections. A lot of cities also host free live concerts, especially during the summer months. You can also find music on YouTube for free.

Self-doubt and frustration

If you’re exploring new genres or getting started with a new instrument, you might find yourself feeling frustrated. Taking in so much new information can be overwhelming. 

To manage these feelings, focus on setting achievable goals for yourself and finding enjoyment in music. You can also join a music group for adults for some extra motivation, encouragement, and support. Trala's method is designed for students of all ages. You can learn more about our adult students’ experiences within our Student Stories.

Find your rhythm and embrace music with Trala

Music is deeply personal to every individual, and making music a lifestyle can have profound effects on your outlook, happiness, and well-being. There’s no wrong way to incorporate music into your life, so feel free to experiment and see what feels right for you.

If learning to play an instrument sounds like the right way to go, Trala can help you begin that journey. Trala offers online, personalized lessons from world-class teachers, along with an active community of students who can motivate and inspire you.

Find a teacher today and start making your own music.

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