
Meet Kai from Upstate, NY


Playing violin has become a wonderful part of my daily routine. I practice pretty much first thing every day at 6:30 am.

Meet Kai 👋

UI/UX Designer Kai picked up the violin as an adult when he was looking for a hobby during the pandemic. As a busy professional living in a rural area, he naturally gravitated towards using an app to help guide him through the process and has since built a violin practice routine into his daily life. Through Trala he also found his private teacher, Rachael, who’s been helping him make great progress toward his goals.

“Playing violin has become a wonderful part of my daily routine. I practice pretty much first thing every day at 6:30 am. I love being able to jump into something I care about and start the day with that energy and happiness.”

For Kai, learning the violin is personal, and provides an outlet for creativity and expression. He’s not looking for a career in music or to perform for others just yet. Picking up the violin is a fulfilling journey in and of itself, and every day he’s one step closer to making the music he loves.